
Development in progress…

A month has not yet passed since we relaunch Cult-Foo . We have more than 20k unique visitors, several articles about us in internet.We are recognized by several serious web awards sites like We are glad to hear positive responses about our blog.

Thank you all for visiting our web resource, post comments and watch over our growth. And we don’t forget about our visitors, we working to make our site better. You surely notice the “SUBMIT” button, which allow you to suggest sites. Just don’t forget that every site pass thru strict selection and don’t worry if your site is not in “Web Inspirations”.

We also add support of gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80 pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites”.

In near future we will plan to add some new functions.
Stay with us!

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