Highly intuitive, therefore it is based on an operational system for windows, guarantees the usability of the final user, generating economy of time at work for being of easy assimilation for the users, also the laypeople.
It possess some subjects, icons, wallpapers, sounds and much more, that can be configured according to the preferences of the users. In this presented version as website of the Codeorama Software all the information and configurations of the users not-investors are recorded in cookies its navigator. Therefore the configurations would only be available for the computer in which the cookie were recorded. The final version for investing, keeps to all the configurations, information and archives of work in the servers of the Codeorama Software, being able to be accessed of any computer with a connection to the InterNet. Surprise your customers and suppliers with easy, intuitive, elegant and modern interface graphical in Intranet or Extranet of your company.