
Open Standard Media Player

With the onset of HTML5, there is a dramatic paradigm shift in the wake for online media content delivery. For well over 6 years, this industry has been dominated by the proprietary Adobe Flash Player, which has been used to deliver high quality media to audiences far and wide. This reign is coming to a dramatic end as new Open Standard technology takes its place. Yes, HTML5 is here, and let’s check the Open Standard Media Player!

Replace Flash with jQuery

Flash been around for sometime. While some web designer loves to work with flash the other despise the usage of flash on webpage. In this post we are lobbying to increase the use jQuery on websites.

If you have a whole website built on flash because of the fancy transition, the load time is unfavorable on the user end and also for the search engines. As many researches has shown that average time people are willing wait for a webpage to load varies between 0.4-4 seconds. Therefore it might not be wise to use flash to create an entire website. Flash has it’s places for example:  games,  splash pages, banners, online interactive application and…

Ambilight for the <video> tag

Some high-end Philips TV sets have a cool feature, Ambilight. Basically, it is LED lighting that changes its color dynamically, depending on the television picture’s color. It is such a pleasure to watch movies on an Ambilight-enabled TV!

There are some implementations of such lighting in Adobe Flash. Why can’t we, web masters, do the same thing using scripts? It was another opportunity for me to check out what state-of-the-art web browsers can do, so I’ve made the following thing…

CSS Monsters

CSS3 is hot topic for sure. Everyone making boring examples such as clocks, cubes, matrix etc. Here’s a fun little example that shows infinite possibilities of CSS 3 – “CSS Monsters”. Borders, gradients and other cool CSS3 features helps make pretty cute monster.

The HTML5 Flash Marriage: Geolocation

HTML5 is going to get a geolocation API that works just beautifully even on devices with no GPS. Flash based applications will (currently) only get access to geolocation APIs when targeting the AIR runtime on mobile. Some browsers (I only know of Firefox 3.5 on Mac and the WebKit browser on the Nexus One) already support the HTML5 geolocation API… So why not use that to get geo information into your Flash based application?

It’s actually extremely easy to do…

10 pages