
Useful code snippets for iPhone friendly websites

When developing websites, you have to care about different browsers, as well as mobile devices such as iPhones or iPods. In this article, let’s have a look at the 10+ most useful code snippets (Javascript, PHP, CSS, etc) for developing iPhone friendly websites, quickly and efficiently.

BuddyPress for One (and All!)

A little over a week ago Andy Peatling, founder and lead developer of BuddyPress, announced the release of BuddyPress 1.2, which can be used on single installations of WordPress. Congratulations, BuddyPress! And congratulations to all the people who’ve been waiting with bated breath for this to happen.

10+ useful online code editors

As a developer, your main tool is obviously those that will allow you to turn your ideas into code: A text editor. As time go by, more online text editors are created that can help you code from any computer with internet access. In this article, let’s have a look at 10+ useful online code editors.

Unique Blog Posts and WordPress Tips

Break the traditional blog layout by designing a different theme for each post based on the topic. Designing a different layout for each topic requires a lot of time and creativity. So, we should appreciate these blogazines who spend their extra time to make your reading more pleasurable. If you would like to join this unique post trend, below are some excellent examples and WordPress tips on how to implement it.

Better Password Fields with jQuery

The ‘whether or not to show plain text in password fields for usability’ situation has never really been resolved to my satisfaction; plain-text fields are clearly much more usable and less confusing than obscured passwords, but what if the person using the plain-text field is sat in a public place? Showing their password for just anyone to see would be ludicrous.

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